Pediatrics Medicine Fellowship Program
Led by some of the nation’s best educators in health science, our programs are at the forefront of translational medicine and healthcare innovation.
The Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship Program offers a three-year training program. The fellowship program in neonatal-perinatal medicine combines opportunities for training in clinical perinatal, fetal and neonatal medicine, as well as in various areas of perinatal research. The training program offers a large number of clinical and basic science research mentors in neonatology, thereby providing a wide scope of research opportunities in the field of cell and molecular biology, neurosciences, perinatal endocrinology and metabolism, perinatal pulmonology and immunology, developmental biology, genetics and epidemiology.
Our program offers extensive training in all aspects of clinical neonatal-perinatal medicine, including maternal-fetal exposure to patients within vitro diagnosis of various and diverse conditions and all clinical problems seen in neonatology, such as extreme low gestational age, lung disorders, congenital heart disease and surgical anomalies.
In general, topics include general epidemiological perinatal issues, clinical research related to pulmonary disease, central nervous system and gastrointestinal abnormalities, and outcomes research. Collaboration with clinical and laboratory facilities from the maternal-fetal division are related to maternal stress and early labor, and stress and adrenal function in the immediate neonatal period. The genetic laboratories in the Steven Spielberg Building are state of the art and can provide fellows exposure to all relevant research in basic science and subcellular molecular technologies. We conduct weekly clinical conferences with three hours of program and weekly educational activities for members of the division. Furthermore, while on clinical services there are daily X-ray rounds with pediatric radiologists and active interaction with inter-consultants from all pediatrics subspecialties.
Fellowship Program Eligibility
All candidates should have completed a three-year Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) accredited pediatric residency training program and become eligible for the American Board of Pediatrics. In addition, candidates should have an aptitude for an academic career or have demonstrated experience in research (e.g., previous publications, abstract presentations, hold a PhD, etc.). Finally, the candidate must have or be eligible for a California medical license. Application procedures require submission of a curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation, including one from your residency director or his/her associate.
Three-Year Program Overview
The neonatal-perinatal fellowship is a 36-month program. It is comprised of 39 four-week periods as follows:
- Clinical:
- Neonatal Clinical Service - Primary patient care responsibility for up to eleven periods. In addition, during the third year of training, residents may be asked to spend one period as acting attending neonatologist ("junior neonatologist"). "Back-up" patient care responsibility up to seven periods which includes night call, high-risk resuscitation.
- Infant Progress Clinic - 25-30 clinics, Thursdays 7:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
- Neonatal Clinical Service - Primary patient care responsibility for up to eleven periods. In addition, during the third year of training, residents may be asked to spend one period as acting attending neonatologist ("junior neonatologist"). "Back-up" patient care responsibility up to seven periods which includes night call, high-risk resuscitation.
- Research: Total of 18 periods, plus partially protected time in 5-6 periods.
- Administration: At least 54 hours (divided in 1-1/2 hours per week during three months per year and during first period in third year of training).
- Vacation: Three periods over the three year program.
- Meeting Attendance: Five to eight during entire three-year program.
Have Questions or Need Help?
For more information please contact:
Department of Pediatrics
8700 Beverly Blvd., Suite 4226
Los Angeles, CA 90048