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Berman Lab

Personal Statement

I am co-director of the Center for Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics (BFG) at Cedars-Sinai, with expertise in cancer epigenomics, functional annotation and prediction of noncoding gene regulatory regions, and whole-genome sequencing technologies. From 2008 to 2014, I was director of bioinformatics for the University of Southern California/Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center Sequencing Core, where my group developed software pipelines to analyze whole-genome bisulfite-sequencing (WGBS), ChIP-seq, RNA-seq and other NGS methods."

Benjamin Berman, PhD

  • Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) Bisulfite Methylation Viewer
  • Bis-SNP: Combined DNA Methylation and SNP Calling for Bisulfite-Sequencing Data
  • FunciSNP: An R/Bioconductor Tool Integrating Functional Noncoding Data Sets with Genetic Association Studies to Identify Candidate Regulatory SNPs
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Contact the Berman Lab

8723 Alden Dr.
Steven Spielberg Building, Room 119
Los Angeles, CA 90048