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Han Lab

Personal Statement

My research has a long-standing focus on novel magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) hardware and its methodologies for in vivo and material applications (e.g., fluids in porous media). My findings have led to several U.S. patents on MRI instrumentation, which is currently under consideration for commercialization by various medical device and petroleum industries.

Hui Han, PhD

Current research in the Han Laboratory focuses on implementing the integrated Parallel Reception, Excitation and Shimming (iPRES) coil design for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The new iPRES technology combines radio frequency (RF) and direct currents in one single coil array rather than using separate arrays for parallel RF reception and B0shimming.

NIH-Funded Projects


Meet Our Team

Learn more about the scientists, faculty members, investigators and other healthcare professionals of the Han Laboratory, whose dedicated efforts lead to groundbreaking discoveries.

Job Openings

The Han Laboratory has open positions for postdoctoral scientist, project scientist, and research associates. Apply online for one of the positions below.

Li W, Wang N, Yu F, Han H, Cao W, Romero R, Tantiwongkosi B, Duong TQ, Liu C.

NeuroImage. 2015 Mar;108:111-122. 

Cao W, Li W, Han H, O’Leary-Moore SK, Sulik KK, Johnson G, Liu C.

NeuroImage. 2014 Nov 15;102(Pt 2):748-755. 

Goora FG, Han H, Ouellette M, Colpitts BG, Balcom BJ.

 IEEE Trans Magn. 2013;49(6):2920-2932. 

Contact the Han Lab

8700 Beverly Blvd. 
Davis Building, Room G-140
Los Angeles, CA 90048