Institutional Review Board/IRB Operations
Ethical, viable research is key to making breakthroughs and driving advancements in medical science, and the stakes are even higher when humans are the research subjects. Cedars-Sinai's IRB is the entity responsible for overseeing all research activities involving human subjects conducted at Cedars-Sinai.
The IRB operates under a Federalwide Assurance (approved by the Office of Human Research Protections of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services), which requires Cedars-Sinai to conduct human subjects research in accordance with the Belmont principles of respect for persons, beneficence and justice. It also follows the guidance published by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for institutional review boards and clinical investigators.
Cedars-Sinai researchers: click here for the IRB intranet page for IRB-related resources and guidance.
If you are a researcher from a collaborating institution outside of Cedars-Sinai and Cedars-Sinai is serving as the IRB of record on your study, contact the Cedars-Sinai PI directly for questions on your submission or contact the Cedars-Sinai IRB ([email protected]).
Mission and Values
All research activities at Cedars-Sinai involving human subjects are overseen by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). In order to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects, our IRB Committees conduct thorough reviews of each research study at the outset, at regular intervals throughout and monitor the conduct of research after approval, to ensure that research complies with ethical principles as well as federal, state and institutional regulations.
Have Questions or Need Help?
Please contact the Office of Research Compliance and Quality Improvement if you have any questions about research compliance, IRBs, or any aspect of the Human Research Protection Program