Primary Care Track
The Internal Medicine Residency Program offers a Primary Care Track to approximately seven residents a year. Our residents take part in a curriculum specifically designed to address the unique aspects of outpatient medicine and population health that are essential to our dramatically evolving healthcare system.
Program Overview
The mission of the Primary Care Track (PCT) is to develop culturally humble leaders and innovators who pursue diverse primary care careers including administration, academic primary care, population health, informatics, research and practice in a variety of settings. Residents will spend time learning and practicing in diverse settings, from federally-qualified health centers (FQHC) to hospital-owned practices, private networks to population-based clinics. Cedars-Sinai's many primary resources and affiliations afford residents the opportunity to practice with and learn from experts in ambulatory supportive care medicine, primary care HIV, substance use disorders, weight management, geriatrics, women’s health, gender affirmation care and more.
With approximately seven residents per year, our track provides an atmosphere of camaraderie, faculty and peer support, and personalized mentorship. In addition to benefitting from the tremendous opportunities in the categorical residency such as the annual retreats and social events, PCT has its own social events, monthly meetings and annual protected didactic weeks.
PCT is integrated into a 4+1 residency structure that provides one-week blocks of continuity ambulatory clinics every fifth week throughout the three-year residency. These one-week experiences are supplemented by an additional 32 weeks of ambulatory clinical rotations.
For their continuity practice, residents choose from an FQHC, a hospital-owned practice that serves as the primary care site for many of our inpatients and a clinic devoted to the care of LGBTQIA+ patients and HIV primary care. Additionally, residents have elective blocks to train at a variety of other ambulatory sites to experience different patient populations and different systems of practice. Residents in this track receive ongoing mentorship from experienced and skilled primary care physicians at their home site.

Residency applicants interested in the Primary Care Track should apply through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS).

Our Primary Care Track program leadership and faculty bring a wealth of teaching and clinical experience across the spectrum of primary care clinical areas.

Primary Care Residents & Graduates
Our current and past residents are helping to shape the future of primary care through their commitment to patient care and unparalleled research.
Have Questions or Need Help?
Contact us if you have questions or would like to learn more about the Internal Medicine Residency Training Program Primary Care Track at Cedars-Sinai.
8700 Beverly Blvd.,
Suite B113,
Los Angeles, CA 90048