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Inside the Center

The Women’s Guild Simulation Center is comprised of three distinct areas:

  • Entryway – This is where you will register for your simulation experience and secure your badge access while you are in the center. Please note that your badge must be worn at all times while in the facility. Likewise, you’ll need to badge out once you leave the center at the end of the day.
  • Debriefing rooms – There are three separate classrooms where you and your team will meet before and after simulations in order to share what happened. Debriefing is valuable to learning as it’s been found that 80 percent of mistakes are associated with basic human error and not technical skills. Instructors will observe your communication, teamwork and leadership and videos of your simulations may be reviewed here in a group discussion afterward.
  • Clinical environment – The clinical environment includes two fully equipped and functioning operating rooms, an ICU, Ob-Gyn room and a trauma bay. In addition, there is a PICU/NICU and multiple rooms for skills training and development. The center also includes a fully equipped computerized simulation room with tools to practice robotic surgery and GI/ bronchoscopy, laparoscopic, hysteroscopic, urologic, neurologic, cardiovascular procedures and ultrasound procedures.
Have Questions or Need Help?

Contact us if you have questions or want to learn more about Women's Guild Simulation Center.

Cedars-Sinai Pavilion
127 S. San Vicente Blvd., Suite A1300
Los Angeles, CA 90048

Fax: 424-315-2806