- McCauley ME, O’Rourke JG, Yáñez A, Markman J, Ho R, Wang X, Chen S, Lall D, Jin M, Muhammad AKMG, Bell S, Landeros J, Valencia V, Harms M, Arditi M, Jefferies C, Baloh RH. C9orf72 in myeloid cells suppresses STING-induced inflammation. Nature. 2020 Sep 3;584.
- Laperle AH, Sances S, Yucer N, Dardov VJ, Garcia VJ, Ho R, Fulton AN, Jones MR, Roxas KM, Avalos P, West D, Banuelos MG, Shu Z, Murali R, Maidment NT, Van Eyk JE, Tagliati M, Svendsen CN. iPSC modeling of young-onset Parkinson’s disease reveals a molecular signature of disease and novel therapeutic candidates. Nat Med. 2020 Feb;26(2):289-299.
- Reed CM, Mosher CP, Chandravadia N, Chung JM, Mamelak AN, Rutishauser U. Extent of Single-Neuron Activity Modulation by Hippocampal Interictal Discharges Predicts Declarative Memory Disruption in Humans. J Neurosci. 2020;40(3):682-693.
- Mosher, C. P., Wei, Y., Kaminski, J., Nandi, A., Mamelak, A. N., Anastassiou, C. & Rutishauser, U. Cardiac-related modulation of the extracellular action potential waveform in vivo reveals multiple cell classes in the human hippocampus. Cell Reports. 2020;30(10):3536-3551.
- Minxha J, Adolphs R, Fusi S, Mamelak AN, Rutishauser U. Flexible recruitment of memory-based choice representations by human medial-frontal cortex. Science. 2020;368(6498):eaba3313.
- Kim GB, Rincon Fernandez Pacheco D, Saxon D, Yang A, Sabet S, Dutra-Clarke M, Levy R, Watkins A, Park H, Abbasi Akhtar A, Linesch PW, Kobritz N, Chandra SS, Grausam K, Ayala-Sarmiento A, Molina J, Sedivakova K, Hoang K, Tsyporin J, Gareau DS, Filbin MG, Bannykh S, Santiskulvong C, Wang Y, Tang J, Suva ML, Chen B, Danielpour M, Breunig JJ. Rapid Generation of Somatic Mouse Mosaics with Locus-Specific, Stably Integrated Transgenic Elements. Cell. 2019 Sep 19;179(1):251-267.e24.
- Kim J, Gulati T, Ganguly K. Competing Roles of Slow Oscillations and Delta Waves in Memory Consolidation versus Forgetting. Cell. 2019 Oct 3;179(2):514-526.
- Hunt DL, Lai CX, Smith RD, Lee AK, Harris TD, Barbic M. Multi-modal in vivo electrophysiology with integrated glass microelectrodes. Nature Biomedical Engineering. 2019 April; 3(9): 741-753
- Hishinuma AK, Gulati T, Burish MJ, Ganguly K. Large-scale changes in cortical dynamics triggered by repetitive somatosensory electrical stimulation. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2019 May 24;16(1):59.
- Fu Z, Wu DJ, Ross I, Chung JM, Mamelak AN, Adolphs R, Rutishauser U. Single-Neuron Correlates of Error Monitoring and Post-Error Adjustments in Human Medial Frontal Cortex. Neuron 2019;101, 165-177 e165.
- Fine LG, Riera CE. Sense of Smell as the Central Driver of Pavlovian Appetite Behavior in Mammals. Frontiers in Physiology. 2019 Sep 18;10:1151.
- Zhou Y, Carmona S, Muhammad AKMG, Bell S, Landeros J, Vazquez M, Ho R, Franco A, Lu B, Dorn GW 2nd, Wang S, Lutz CM, Baloh RH. Restoring mitofusin balance prevents axonal degeneration in a Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2A model. J Clin Invest. 2019 Mar 18;130(4):1756-1771.
- Ramanathan DS*, Guo L*, Gulati T*, Davidson G, Hishinuma A, Won SJ, Knight RT, Chang EF, Swanson RA, Ganguly K. Low-frequency cortical activity is a neuromodulatory target that tracks recovery after stroke. Nat Med. 2018 Aug;24(8):1257-1267. (*equally contributing authors)
- Anderson MA, O'Shea TM, Burda JE, Ao Y, Barlatey SL, Bernstein A, Kim J, James N, Rogers A, Kato B, Wollenberg AL, Kawaguchi R, Coppola G, Wang C, Demming TJ, He Z, Courtine G, Sofroniew MV. Required growth facilitators propel axon regeneration across complete spinal cord injury. Nature. 2018;274:1123–400. doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0467-6.
- Sances S, Ho R, Vatine G, West D, Laperle A, Meyer A, Godoy M, Kay PS, Mandefro B, Hatata S, Hinojosa C, Wen N, Sareen D, Hamilton GA, Svendsen CN. Human iPSC-Derived Endothelial Cells and Microengineered Organ-Chip Enhance Neuronal Development. Stem Cell Reports. 2018 Apr 10;10(4):1222-1236.
- Hunt DL, Linaro D, Si B, Romani S, Spruston N. A novel pyramidal cell-type promotes sharp-wave synchronization in the hippocampus. Nature Neuroscience. 2018 July; 21(7): 985-995
- Akhtar AA, Gowing G, Kobritz N, Savinoff SE, Garcia L, Saxon D, Cho N, Kim G, Tom CM, Park H, Lawless G, Shelley BC, Mattis VB, Breunig JJ*, Svendsen CN. Inducible Expression of GDNF in Transplanted iPSC-Derived Neural Progenitor Cells. Stem Cell Reports. 2018 Jun 5;10(6):1696-1704. *-co-corresponding author
- Gulati T, Guo L, Ramanathan DS, Bodepudi A, Ganguly K. Neural reactivations during sleep determine network credit assignment. Nat Neurosci. 2017 Sep;20(9):1277-1284.
- O'Shea TM, Burda JE, Sofroniew MV. Cell biology of spinal cord injury and repair. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2017;127(9):3259-3270.
- Kaminski J, Sullivan S, Chung JM, Ross IB, Mamelak AN, Rutishauser U. Persistently active neurons in human medial frontal and medial temporal lobe support working memory. Nature Neuroscience. 2017;20, 590-601.
- Riera CE, Tsaousidou E, Halloran J, Follett P, Hahn O, Pereira MMA, Ruud LE, Alber J, Tharp K, Anderson CM, et al. The sense of smell impacts metabolic health and obesity. Cell Metab. 2017 Jul 5;26(1):198-211.e5.
- Xu L, Chen Y, Dutra-Clarke M, Mayakonda A, Hazawa M, Savinoff SE, Doan N, Said JW, Yong WH, Watkins A, Yang H, Ding LW, Jiang YY, Tyner JW, Ching J, Kovalik JP, Madan V, Chan SL, Müschen M, Breunig JJ*, et al. BCL6 promotes glioma and serves as a therapeutic target. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Apr 11;114(15):3981-3986. *-co-corresponding author
- Burda JE*, Anderson MA*, Ren Y, Ao Y, O’Shea TM, Kawaguchi R, Coppola G, Khakh BS, Deming TJ, Sofroniew MV. Astrocyte scar formation aids central nervous system axon regeneration. Nature. 2016;532, 195–200. *Co-first authorship, equal contribution.
- Riera CE, Merkwirth C, De Magalhaes Filho CD, Dillin A. Signaling networks determining life span. Annu Rev Biochem. 2016 Jun 2;85:35-64.
- Ho R, Sances S, Gowing G, Amoroso MW, O’Rourke JG, Sahabian A, Wichterle H, Baloh RH, Sareen D, Svendsen CN. ALS disrupts spinal motor neuron maturation and aging pathways within gene co-expression networks. Nat Neurosci. 2016 Sep;19(9):1256-67. doi: 10.1038/nn.4345.
- Breunig JJ, Levy R, Antonuk CD, Molina J, Dutra-Clarke M, Park H, Akhtar AA, Kim GK, Hu X, Bannykh S, et al. Ets factors regulate neural stem cell depletion and gliogenesis in Ras pathway glioma. Cell Rep. 2015 Jul 15;12(2):258-271.
- Gulati T, Won SJ, Ramanathan DS, Wong CC, Bodepudi A, Swanson RA, Ganguly K. Robust neuroprosthetic control from the stroke perilesional cortex. J Neurosci. 2015 Jun 3;35(22):8653-8661.
- Akhtar AA, Molina J, Dutra-Clarke M, Kim GB, Levy R, Schreiber-Stainthorp W, Danielpour M, Breunig JJ. A transposon-mediated system for flexible control of transgene expression in stem and progenitorderived lineages. Stem Cell Reports. 2015 Mar 10;4(3):323-331.
- Burda JE, Bernstein AM, Sofroniew MV. Astrocyte roles in traumatic brain injury. Experimental Neurology. 2015;275 Pt 3, 305–315. doi:10.1016/j.expneurol.2015.03.020.
- Riera CE, Dillin A. Can aging be 'drugged'? Nat Med. 2015 Dec;21(12):1400-1405.
- Riera CE, Dillin A. Tipping the metabolic scales towards increased longevity in mammals. Nat Cell Biol. 2015 Mar;17(3):196-203.
- Gulati T, Ramanathan DS, Wong CC, Ganguly K. Reactivation of emergent task-related ensembles during slow-wave sleep after neuroprosthetic learning. Nat Neurosci. 2014 Aug;17(8):1107-1113.
- Burda JE, Sofroniew MV. Reactive gliosis and the multicellular response to CNS damage and disease. Neuron. 2014;81, 229–248.
- Hunt DL, Nagore Puente, Pedro Grandes, Pablo E. Castillo. Bidirectional NMDA receptor plasticity controls CA3 output and heterosynaptic metaplasticity. Nature Neuroscience. 2013 August; 16(8): 1049-1059.
- Straub C*, Hunt DL*, Yamasaki M, Kim KS, Watanabe M, Castillo PE, Tomita S. (*Authors contributed equally) Distinct functions of Kainate receptors in the brain are determined by the auxiliary subunit Neto1. Nature Neuroscience. 2011 May; 14(7): 866-873.
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