MIRIAD IBD Biobank Patient & Control Participation
The MIRIAD Biobank offers an excellent opportunity to participate in the effort to improve treatment and find a cure for IBD. Samples and information are needed from people with IBD and even their relatives. These materials are provided directly to investigators for use in IBD research studies.
Samples from people without IBD are also needed, as these serve as control specimens for laboratory experiments.

How To Participate
Initial participation is as easy as completing a questionnaire and allowing the Biobank to access your medical records. You also may be asked to contribute a blood sample or small set of samples at your visit.
View our video, to learn more about our effort and to volunteer for the MIRIAD Biobank.
MIRIAD IBD Biobank Newsletter
Read our newsletters for more information about how participation benefits IBD research.
Additional Considerations
You will not be paid for providing samples and data for this biobank. Once you provide the samples for research, you no longer have access to them. The donated samples become the property of Cedars-Sinai and may be used to develop new products, tests or discoveries that may result in commercial profit for the researchers, Cedars-Sinai, and/or other organizations. You will not receive any financial benefits if this happens. Cedars-Sinai may receive compensation from such third-party entities to cover reasonable costs incurred by Cedars-Sinai in connection with the collection and maintenance of samples and data in the MIRIAD Biobank.
Have Questions or Need Help?
Contact us if you have questions, or wish to learn more about the IBIRI.
Inflammatory Bowel & Immunobiology Research Institute
8700 Beverly Blvd.
Davis Building, Suite D4063
Los Angeles CA 90048