Alfred E. Mann Single Cell Precision Medicine Center
Precision medicine combines advanced technology, big data and the best minds across many scientific disciplines to provide healthcare that is personalized, effective and successful. Cedars-Sinai Precision Health, through research and clinical practice, is dedicated to improving the health of our patients and our community. Our goal is to match the right treatment to the right patient for the best possible outcomes.

Message From Our Director
We're fundamentally changing how we do medicine, treating every patient as an individual down to the molecular level."
Dermot P. McGovern, MD
Director, Translational Research in the Inflammatory Bowel and Immunobiology Research Institute
Can We See Into Your Health Future?
Precision medicine experts at Cedars-Sinai are exploring how combining the right technologies, scientists and data might help predict who is at highest risk of getting sick.
Exploring the Microbiome
Medicine's new frontier is right there in your gut.
Our Faculty
Our interdisciplinary team, led by expert clinicians, integrates cutting-edge technology and data for personalized treatment, ensuring high-quality, compassionate care and enhancing your quality of life.
News & Updates
Have Questions or Need Help?
Call us the Precision Health team. You can also have us call you back at your convenience.