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Research Areas

Guided by the hypothesis that biomarkers associated with disease progression can provide a window into the biology of the cancer, the lab is specifically interested in:

  • Cell-cell interactions that involve signaling molecules secreted from one cell that elicit a response in the neighboring cell – paracrine and 
  • The subsequent cytoplasmic signals that dictate cell proliferation, differentiation, and adaptation to the microenvironment of the bone metastatic site;
  • Identify ingdiagnostic/prognostic biomarkers of prostate cancer that non-invasively distinguish indolent vs. metastatic disease;
  • Determining the role of stromal heterogeneity in cancer initiation and progression to therapeutic resistance;
  • Understanding the role of bone cells in prostate metastatic growth;
  • Determining mechanisms of targeted therapy for renal and prostate cancer.

Contact the Bhowmick Lab

8750 Beverly Blvd.
Atrium 103
Los Angeles, CA 90048