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Lab Members

Jinrui Cui, MS profile image
Jinrui Cui, MS

Jinrui Cui is a trained biostatistician with extensive experience in the analysis of datasets from studies of families, offspring and twins, and studies of unrelated subjects, both case-control and cohort designs. He is involved in performing statistical genetic analyses utilizing various programs, including SAS, SIMWALK2, SIMLINK, FISHER, SNPLINK, SOLAR, MERLIN, MEGA2, GOLD, QTDT, HAPLOVIEW, PHASE and PLINK. Cui is the primary Cedars-Sinai analyst for a number of studies, including Insulin Clearance, IRAS Family, Mexican-American Coronary Artery Disease-MACAD, and Mexican-American Hypertension-Insulin Resistance-MA HTN-IR.

Tiantian  Zhu, PhD profile image
Tiantian Zhu, PhD
Research Associate II

Tiantian Zhu, PhD, received her doctorate in statistical genetics from University of California, Riverside. She has extensive training and experience in genome-wide association studies, meta-analysis, genetic risk score analysis and genomic prediction. Zhu does research with the Endocrine Genetics team to study the genetic architecture of complex diseases including Type 2 diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, cardiovascular disease and other related diseases using statistical genetics tools. 

Contact the Goodarzi Lab

8700 Beverly Blvd.
Davis Building, Room 3008
Los Angeles, CA 90048