Research Areas
Research in the Lahiri Laboratory focuses on developing novel therapeutic paradigms that improve neurocognitive function after acute conditions that affect the brain and systemic organs, such as the lungs, heart and kidneys.
Prior efforts at understanding mechanisms of neurological injury after acute systemic diseases have been limited by lack of robust animal models that simulate the brain injury effects of acute systemic diseases. The Lahiri Lab has developed various orthogonal disease models that confirm our clinical observation that acute systemic conditions induce potentially reversible brain injury, such as those that underlie delirium or PTSD.
These models now allow us to identify specific targetable pathways, as well as to test pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments to optimize neurological recovery after acute medical and neurological conditions.

Immune-mediated neurological and behavioral dysfunction resulting from urinary tract infection (UTI) or ventilator-induced acute lung injury (VILI). Adapted from Hogg, et al. J Parkinsons Dis. 2022;12(3):743-757.
Contact the Lahiri Lab
127 S. San Vicente Blvd.
Pavilion, Room 8112
Los Angeles, CA 90048