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Ljubimov Lab

Donor human cornea for stem cell studies.

Personal Statement

I am the director of the Board of Governors Regenerative Medicine Institute Eye Program, professor of biomedical sciences and neurosurgery and professor of medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. My background is in cancer research, and I have studied ocular diabetes for the past 25 years."

Alexander Ljubimov, PhD

Delayed wound healing, erosions, and keratitis — the most serious complications of diabetes in the cornea — are treated only symptomatically. The Ljubimov Laboratory has described a number of markers altered in diabetic corneas. Using adenoviral gene therapy, the lab has been able to correct aberrant wound healing and several marker protein expression abnormalities in human organ-cultured diabetic corneas.

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Saghizadeh M, Kramerov AA, Svendsen CN, Ljubimov AV.

Stem Cells.2017 Oct;35(10):2105-2114.

Ljubimova JY, Sun T, Mashouf L, Ljubimov AV, Israel LL, Ljubimov VA, Falahatian V, Holler E.

Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2017 Apr;113:177-200. 

Contact the Ljubimov Lab

127 S. San Vicente Blvd.
Advanced Health Sciences Pavilion, Suite A8106
Los Angeles, CA 90048