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Lab Members

Tania  Gonzalez, PhD profile image
Tania Gonzalez, PhD
Postdoctoral Scientist

Tania Gonzalez, PhD, earner her bachelor's degree in biochemistry and molecular biology from the University of California, Davis and her doctorate in molecular and cell biology from the University of California, Berkeley. She is studying gene expression in the placenta in the Pisarska Laboratory.

Tianyanxin  Sun, PhD profile image
Tianyanxin Sun, PhD
Postdoctoral Scientist

Tianyanxin Sun, PhD, earned her bachelor's degree in animal science from China Agricultural University and her doctorate in physiology from Pennsylvania State University. She is currently a postdoctoral scientist in the Pisarska Lab.

Bora Lee, PhD profile image
Bora Lee, PhD
Research Associate II

Bora Lee, PhD, earned her doctorate degree in molecular and cellular biology from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. Prior to joining the Pisarska Laboratory, she studied regulation of calcium signaling in mammalian oocytes during fertilization and impact of cryopreservation and vitrification on developmental potential of oocytes at Weill Cornell Medical School. In the Pisarska Lab, Lee is investigating regulation of early implantation by studying genes differentially regulated in pregnancies conceived from couples with infertility compared to spontaneous conceptions.

Contact the Pisarska Lab

Pisarska Laboratory

8723 Alden Dr. 
Steven Spielberg Building, Room 303
Los Angeles, CA 90048

Mailing Address

Pisarska Laboratory
8635 West Third Street
Suite 160
Los Angeles, CA 90048