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Training & Curriculum

  • Degenerative cervical and lumbar disc disease
  • Spinal trauma
  • Spine tumors (primary, metastatic and intradural)
  • Spinal deformity in adult and pediatric patients
  • Metabolic bone disease
  • Spinal infections
  • Congenital spinal anomalies
  • Failed back syndrome
  • Minimally invasive spinal surgery


The Spinal Surgery Fellowship Program consists of monthly rotations among the reading faculty and two months of dedicated research time.

The clinical educational program is coordinated through faculty interaction, didactic lectures, conferences and outpatient clinics that emphasize diagnosis, pathogenesis, operative and nonoperative decision-making, along with results and complications of all treatments.

The outpatient clinics of the program occurs at the Cedars-Sinai Spine Center, located in the Mark Goodson Building.

The center fully supports the attendance of the fellows at one national meeting during their fellowship. The choices of annual meetings are those of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, Cervical Spine Research Society, North American Spine Society, Scoliosis Research Society, American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Congress of Neurological Surgeons and Joint Section of the Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves. Additionally, there may be an opportunity to attend another meeting with the availability of the sponsorship.

Cedars-Sinai also sponsors and offers ongoing education in E & M coding, ethics, ACLS and medico-legal issues.


Quality Assurance Conference

This conference is held every two months during the Wednesday Spine Conferences. Cases are independently submitted by the fellows to the directors, who in turn select the cases to be presented. The conference is moderated by one of the directors.

Journal Club

Journal Club is held monthly, hosted by a teaching faculty member and attended by faculty and fellows. The topics are selected by the attending physician and articles are assigned to each fellow. The fellows discuss the the content, scientific method and conclusions of the articles.


Have Questions or Need Help?

Contact us if you have questions or would like to learn more about the Spinal Surgery Fellowship at Cedars-Sinai.

Stacey Wilson, C-TAGME
Orthopaedic Surgery Program Manager