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Training & Curriculum

'Code Brain' Response

The Code Brain system at Cedars-Sinai is activated when there is concern for an acute stroke with the potential for hyperacute therapies or enrollment into clinical trials. An average of 35 such calls are generated per week, and vascular neurology fellows join rotating neurology residents as first responders to these neurologic emergencies. Fellows gain extensive experience in selecting patients for Tenecteplase (TNK) and endovascular treatment, as well as intracranial hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage management.

Fellows cover the Code Brain system every 3 weeks, with assistance from the experienced stroke team nurses who help with both patient triage as well acute stroke management. They also assist other inpatient services by providing vascular neurology consultations.

Stroke Program Clinic Days

When not covering Code Brain, fellows will participate in two half days of stroke clinic per week, supervised by Vascular Neurology faculty.

Available Conferences

Clinical Trials and Research

In addition to seeing patients, fellows are trained in clinical investigation to develop organizational and trial development skills. Fellows become coinvestigators on active stroke clinical trials, and assist in patient recruitment and study conduct.

In addition, fellows participate in and lead other research projects and submit abstracts for presentation at conferences, including the annual International Stroke Conference.

Interested trainees may also pursue the option of an additional year of fellowship training in order to concentrate on research pursuits.

Transcranial Doppler (TCD) Ultrasound Proficiency

TCD studies using both duplex transcranial imaging and M-mode Doppler scanning are regularly performed and interpreted by the stroke team.

All fellows are expected to become competent TCD readers. We provide an opportunity to attend the annual American Society of Neuroimaging meeting, at which time fellows may take the certification exam in neurosonology.

Subspecialty Electives

Have Questions or Need Help?

If you have questions or would like to learn more about our fellowship program, please contact:

Neurosciences Education Department