Research Clusters
Cedars-Sinai has nine research clusters, faculty-driven research groups composed of laboratories with shared interests and expertise with the goal of enhancing efforts to promote career development and oversight. Faculty cluster leaders have been selected based on familiarity with the focus of each cluster and a history of successful research and mentoring.
- Promote collaborative research and networking within and between clusters
- Provide a mechanism to present data and ideas and receive constructive feedback
- Encourage multidisciplinary training mechanisms
- Provide mentorship and support to trainees and their mentors
- Encourage and facilitate applications for individual and programmatic training grants
- Track postdocs' progress and accomplishments
Bioinformatics & Integrative Genomics
Lead Investigators
Kate Lawrenson, PhD
Research interests in the bioinformatics and integrative genomics cluster (BIGC) involve large-scale data analyses incorporating a wide range of 'omics' technologies such as RNA-seq, single cell RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, WGS and WGBS. We cover all aspects of projects using 'omics'- from study design, to data generation and analysis. The BIGC is led by Drs. Kate Lawrenson and Dennis Hazelett and aims to equip postdocs with the skills they need to successfully incorporate NGS technologies into their research projects. We place a strong emphasis on collaboration and team science and will foster career development by providing postdocs with guidance on how to foster successful interdisciplinary collaborative projects.
Lead Investigators
The diverse group of research labs involved in cancer research at Cedars-Sinai Medical Centerand within the Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute conduct basic and translational research in many cancer types including breast, prostate, lung, liver, melanoma, pancreas, gastric, glioblastoma and ovarian cancer. Their projects cover a wide range of topics, including extracellular vesicles, cancer stem cells, drug delivery, drug design, cancer genomics, cancer metastasis, cancer immunology and cancer microenvironment with the penultimate goal of discovering and implementing more effective ways to diagnose, treat and prevent various forms of cancer. Postdoctoral researchers serve as the driving force behind these research endeavors. Recognizing the need to connect and support the postdoctoral fellows in cancer biology, the Cancer Cluster will provide a new platform for postdoctoral fellows to exchange ideas, share their accomplishments and progress, seek constructive feedback for research-related issues and obtain advice on career development and training. Through organized social events and research retreats, the Cluster will encourage discussion and multidisciplinary collaborations among postdoctoral fellows. Any suggestions or ideas for activities to strengthen the interactions and bond among cluster members are welcome.
Lead Investigators
Roberta Gottlieb, MD
Ting-Ting Hong, MD, PhD
The Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center provides a home for bench-to-bedside translational research in the cardiovascular fields. The research groups within the heart institute are performing cutting edge research in a wide spectrum of topics, from basic science exploration to clinical research and patient care. The goal of our research is to identify, at the bench, newmolecular and cellular targets that can be translated to develop diagnostic and therapeutic tools for cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, arrhythmias, microvascular disease, valvular heart disease, metabolic disorders, and heart failure. Led by Dr. Eduardo Marbán and sponsored by a NIH/NHLBI T32 training grant, we are training basic scientists and clinical scholars to become future leaders of these fields. All the postdoctoral fellows in heart institute research laboratories are part ofthe research cluster. Under the directorship of our cluster leader Dr. Robbie Gottlieb and co-leader Dr. TingTing Hong, the goal of the research cluster is to connect postdoctoral fellows with both faculty and their fellow postdocs within the heart institute. In doing so, we are aiming to provide a cluster-wide support to our postdoctoral fellows who seek advice, in addition to mentorship from their primary research mentors, for both career development plans and life-career balance.
Lead Investigators
Behzad Sharif, PhD
Rohan Dharmakumar, PhD
The postdoctoral scientists in the Imaging Research Cluster engage in technical, translational, and clinical imaging research across various modalities (MRI, CT, PET, etc.) with the goal of improving diagnostic imaging methodologies and enhancing the role of noninvasive imaging for evaluation of novel therapies in pre-clinical and clinical studies. The Imaging Cluster of the Postdoctoral Scientist Program is housed within the Cedars-Sinai Biomedical Imaging Research Institute (BIRI).
Lead Investigators
Postdoctoral scientists in the Immunology Research Cluster (IRC) are located in research laboratories within the Davis Building and the Advanced Health Sciences Pavilion. Research interests within the IRC range from understanding basic mechanisms of innate and adaptive immunity, to translating this information to understand the role of the immune system in diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, lung disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and autoimmunity. The IRC, led by Drs. Jonathan Kaye and Caroline Jefferies, seeks to promote active mentoring partnerships and research collaborations to enhance scientific advancement and career development for trainees at all levels including postdoctoral scientists, fellows, and graduate students. The research cluster currently provides an opportunity for post-docs and trainees to present their data internally at the Immunology Research in Progress meetings organized by Dr. Gislaine Martins, and externally at immunology LA, an annual meeting of area immunologists organized by the Research Division of Immunology. In addition, we anticipate that regular meetings between cluster members will help foster collaborative interactions and provide support and mentorship for future grant applications within the cluster.
Lead Investigators
Postdoctoral scientists in the Lung Research Cluster (LRC) are located in research laboratories that form the Women's Guild Lung Institute, which is directed by Dr. Paul Noble and has support from various sources including a NIH/NHLBI T32 training grant. Research interests in the LRC span fundamental studies investigating mechanisms of lung development and postnatal tissue maintenance, through translational studies exploring mechanisms of human lung disease that tap into the extensive clinical resources at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. The LRC is led by Drs. Peter Chen and Barry Stripp and seeks to enhance career development and mentoring through establishment of a rich academic research culture that emphasizes interdisciplinary research and collaboration for trainees at all levels including postdoctoral scientists, pulmonary fellows and graduate students.
Lead Investigators
Postdocs within this cluster are involved in pre-clinical studies that investigate the role of hormones in the communication between bodysystems, and the specific contribution of various organs and tissues, including adipose tissue, liver, and gut, to metabolism in health and disease. There is a focus on systems biology to understand how molecular, cellular and organ level networks contribute under varying conditions of health, disease and aging. For true translational medicine application, physiology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, and more must be integrated to demonstrate that the whole is more than the sum of the parts. The goal of this cluster is to assist postdocs with connecting and collaborating with their fellow postdocs within the cluster, and to expand their network to include related faculty, to track the progress of postdocs with regard to publications and grant and fellowship applications and to provide direction and advice regarding grant opportunities, presentation skills and mentorship.
Hematopoietic and Epithelial Cell Biology
Lead Investigators
Postdoctoral scientists in the Hematopoietic & Epithelial Cell Biology Cluster (HECBC) will undergo training in the research laboratories of the Regenerative Medicine Institute (RMI). The RMI is under the directorship of Dr. Clive Svendsen and is supported by various prestigious funding agencies including NIH/NIDDK, NIH/NEI, American Heart Association and American Society of Nephrology. Research interests in the HECBC span fundamental studies aimed to gain deep, critical insights into the molecular underpinnings of hematopoietic and epithelial stem cell/progenitor systems, and their role in tissue repair and/or pathological remodeling after injury. The HECBCleverages upon the world-classimmunology, ophthalmology and kidney transplant centers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, to conduct translational studies exploring mechanisms of human hematopoiesis, human eye disease and kidney repair. The ECBC is led by Drs. Alexander Ljubimov, PhD, and Sanjeev Kumar, MD, PhD, and is dedicated to enhancingcareer development of postdoctoral scientists via close mentoring, establishment of a rich, transparent and rigorous scientific environment, and by promoting networking at various levels including clinical nephrology fellows and faculty.
Lead Investigators
Postdoctoral scientists within the neuroscience cluster are studying the development, normal function, plasticity and diseases of the nervous system at the molecular, cellular or systems level. Distributed across the Departments of Biomedical Sciences, Neurology, Neurosurgery and the Regenerative Medicine Institute, a growing group of laboratories at Cedars-Sinai provide numerous outstanding postdoctoral training opportunities in neuroscience-related areas. Approaches include, among others, electrophysiology and imaging, cell culture and slice studies, genetic disease models, genomics, iPS-derived neural cells, biochemistry, behavior and computational approaches. An overarching goal of the cluster is to increase opportunities for interaction between postdocs and principal investigators between labs, and to provide speaking and networking opportunities as well as mentoring during career progression. The Neuroscience Cluster of the Postdoctoral Scientist Program is housed within the Center for Neural Science and Medicine, which hosts a seminar series and organizes networking events to bring together the neuroscience community at-large at Cedars-Sinai.
Have Questions or Need Help?
Contact us if you have questions or would like to learn more about Cedars-Sinai's Postdoctoral Scientist Training Program.
Emma Yates Casler
Program Manager