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Ho Lab

Ritchie Ho, Phd, Cedars-Sinai
Personal Statement

All aspects of my previous scientific training and current research objectives have a direct relevance to the mission of my program. I have published research on embryonic spinal cord development, signaling and epigenetic mechanisms regulating stem cell and somatic cell identity and the relationship between cellular maturation, aging and late-onset diseases. My areas of technical expertise include molecular biology, stem cell reprogramming and differentiation, microscopy and a suite of computational biology methods to analyze large gene expression data sets as well as clinical data from patients. In addition to my research, I have actively contributed service in academic roles including didactic instruction, mentorship, engagements with industry, public outreach, technology transfer and peer review. Cedars-Sinai has a rich scientific environment that provides my lab the necessary resources for leading-edge translational research and training.

Ritchie Ho, PhD

Breakthrough Research

  • Mapping the Intersection of Tissue and Cell Type-Specific Signatures of Maturation and Aging to Neurodegeneration
  • Delineate Gene Expression Networks Conserved or Diverged Across Human and Rodent Species
  • Engineering Strategies That Can Accelerate Maturation, Aging and Late-Onset Disease Readouts in All Systems


Learn more about the recent research publications from the Ho Lab.

Laboratory Team

Job Opportunities

We are actively recruiting students and postdocs to be our colleagues and expand lab knowledge and expertise to make important breakthroughs.


The Ho Lab collaborates with a wide range of investigators within Cedars-Sinai and institutions around the world.

Contact the Ho Lab

127 S. San Vicente Blvd.
Pavilion, A8308
Los Angeles, CA 90048