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Personal Statement

As an academic endocrinologist, I have a specific interest in the relationship between the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and the endocrine system. My early projects focused on gastric myoelectrical activity and glycemic control. In collaboration with researchers in the Division of Gastroenterology, we published the first paper confirming a clinical association with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Incidental to us at the time was our observation of an increased body mass index noted in the women with IBS.

Our research has expanded to include PCOS, prediabetes, diabetes, obesity and the relationship between metabolic disease and the GI tract.

Most recently, my work has focused on the role of the gut microbiome on human metabolism, and specifically on methanogen-producing organisms. These microbes might be a piece of the complex puzzle that makes up the causes of diabetes and obesity.

Along with collaborators Mark Pimentel, MD, and Ali Rezaie, MD, we currently have a number of studies underway to explore the possible connections among the GI microbiota, metabolism and human disease.

Contact the Mathur Lab

8700 Beverly Blvd.
Davis Building, #5009
Los Angeles, CA 90048