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Personal Statement

The overarching goal of my laboratory is to make a difference in the lives of those affected by neurological disorders by delivering innovative, technical, diagnostic and prognostic solutions that can be rapidly integrated in clinical practice. To achieve this goal, my research is aimed at advancing the frontiers of neurology and neuroradiology by harnessing scientific discoveries, technical innovations and clinical research.

During my years at the NIH, I, along with my colleagues, pioneered the use of ultra-high-field MRI in MS patients and animal models of MS, which led to new insights in our understanding of the formation and development of MS lesions. I also developed novel imaging techniques to translate these scientific findings into clinical practice. My techniques are now being investigated by international multi-center studies aiming to improve the speed and accuracy of MS diagnosis.

My neuroimaging laboratory at Cedars-Sinai is actively developing the next breakthroughs in neurology and neuroradiology. We are working collaboratively with our academic and industry partners on the following topics: i) novel imaging biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis of neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative disorders, ii) next-generation, high-resolution magnetic susceptibility MRI for clinical imaging, and iii) automated machine-learning methods for biomarker detection and disease prediction.

Contact the Sati Lab

Atrium Building, 2nd Floor
8750 Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90048