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Pathology Physician Scientist Training Program

Program Structure
Research Training and Mentoring

Research training can be completed under the mentorship of any Cedars-Sinai faculty member. An advisory committee comprised of key clinical and research faculty will be formed at the beginning of training and will hold semiannual meetings to continue guiding the trainee.

Financial Support

Trainees will be supported at the appropriate Post Graduate Year level throughout the course of training. Funding for the research years will come from a combination of the research mentor laboratory, individual fellowships and the department. Funds for books, supplies and travel will also be provided throughout the course of training, and an additional research budget will be available to the trainee during the research years.

Compensation and Benefits
Application Process

Have Questions or Need Help?

If you have questions or would like to learn more about the Anatomic and Clinical Pathology Residency Program at Cedars-Sinai, please call or send a message to Program Coordinator, Chau Nguyen.

Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
8700 Beverly Blvd., Room 8709
Los Angeles, CA 90048-1804